The Uganda National Genebank (UNGB) promotes the engagement of different stakeholders in securing the diversity at all levels. Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) networks ease information exchange. The genebank developed data capture forms as a step towards organized documentation and information sharing. In the past UNGB used a data management tool referred to as SESTO secured from the Nordic Genebank, Sweden and over 2,000 accessions where documented. With financial and technical support from the Global Crop Diversity Trust, the genebank plans to utilize the GGCE database. In addition, the genebank supports and contributes to various PGRFA information systems such as FAOWIEWS, GENESYS and GLIS for public access of germplasm and information exchange.The aim is to embrace a wide range of stakeholders globally and make the Uganda National Genebank more visible for availability of the conserved germplasm.

A good database enables one to easily query data but it needs to be updated with accurate data. This calls for proper data management right from collection missions to distribution if the germplasm end users are to maximize benefits. The GRIN-Global Community Edition (GGCE), is a globally renown smart alternative for crop Genebanks to manage information on stored and conserved material. The GGCE database was customized to suit the Uganda National Genebank needs.

GENESYS is an initiative of Bioversity International in partnership with the secretariat of the ITPGRFA   and the Global Crop Diversity Trust. This is a platform where breeders, scientists and researchers can share detailed plant genetic information which is simple to understand. The UNGB information captured in Genesys is available at Following the adoption of the Second Global Plan of Action (Second GPA) on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) by the FAO Council in November 2011, the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Commission) adopted at its 14th and 15th Regular Session a list of 63 indicators and a reporting format for monitoring the implementation of the Second GPA This also includes data on all stored collections in the Uganda National Genebank under priority activity of EX-SITU CONSERVATION The Centre spearheaded the development of the National Information Sharing Mechanism of PGRFA in Uganda. This exercise involved gathering and assembling PGR information from national agricultural institutions for purposes of updating the 1996 country report on the status of the PGRFA in Uganda. Registered/Participating Stakeholder Institutes can also access and update their Institutional Information through

Multilateral System species declaration
A total of seven hundred and sixty (760) accessions have been confirmed as materials that are automatically in the multilateral system. These materials can be accessed at 

Digital Object Identifiers
With request from germplasm users, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) set up a system referred to as the Global Information System (GLIS) that assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to Plant Genetic Resources (PGRs). The purpose is to assign a permanent, globally unique identifier to the materials to facilitate data exchange and information accumulation. As you know, DOIs have been initially designed for the publishing sector, nevertheless, now they are assigned to a wide range of things and they still have strong ties to publishing. Such ties are very useful, though, because DOIs offer advanced services that allow GLIS, for instance, to automatically identify and make available publications and datasets referencing PGRs. Additional details are available at

The Uganda National Genebank has so far assigned DOIs to 65 accessions of Sorghum, Bean, Finger millet, Cow peas and Ground nut. The assignations of DOIs to the Provider’s and to the Recipient’s material allow to differentiate the materials when they are transferred from one collection to another to avoid duplication, as well as to properly attribute any research results that may be produced. 




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